AOC and Jasmine Crocket are the new leaders that we need at this critical time.

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Thanks to both of you! This was very inspiring. I worked about 200 hours at my local PA Democratic Headquarters for the Harris/Walz campaign. I put packets together that the canvassers took with them. It wasn't sexy work, but I loved it. I also loved talking to the other volunteers while we worked. We had lots of people come from MD, DC, VA, WV, DE, NY, and CA to canvas here. I would love to work on the campaign of a woman running for office. Beth Farnham(D) ran a very courageous Congressional campaign here in spite of it being a 65%/30% Republican district. Thanks again Charlotte and Shannon.

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Loved this conversation! Now is the time to take action—if we love our country and want to protect our democracy, we all have a role to play. I’m in and ready to go!

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Brilliant conversation between two brilliant women. Thank you both for your service to our democracy and being courages advocates for decency.

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Shannon, we need to wrangle the white women for Kamala to be organized against this coup. I’m ready for actions.

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Thank you, both! I really needed this today--far better than doomscrolling for sure. ;) I appreciate the encouragement for all of us to get out there and do something. WE are the ones who will save us.

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So needed to hear this! Thanks for keeping us going!

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Listening closely now. Definitely easier to let Trump burn the farm down, but I agree that it is more advantageous and even heroic to step up now, more than ever, for what we believe in. For a month or so, I was so disappointed with the Election, and the discourse following it, that I started to embrace apathy. But leaders like you reignite the passion within us. And challenging each other brings out the best in us and pushes us forward.

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Thank you. This has confirmed my fear of dems doing pretty much nothing. They ain’t doing shit. Now to keep calling and writing. Keep Going!

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It seems that there are a lot of people in America that don't realize just how BAD things are right now. Nothing will get better if we don't find our voices. I appreciate the idea that you have to start somewhere. I am trying to find my place to start. I am really interested in the 5 calls app, I think it looks like a great place to start.

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This conversation between two leaders energized me soooo much. I too felt as if the Democratic party did little to organize behind Kamala...it felt as if there was some deep hole that our efforts went to. But most important to me is to hear that our voice, our phone calls, our emails, our texts really matter...even in a state like Utah. Thank you for this conversation...i will do what I can to call, write or text my congressmen, judges, elected officials...I remember what happened in 2018 where we went all out and were able to turn the tide all over the place.

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Thank you for the inspirational talk! 💙

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Wonderful! An act of love for sure!

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Are you suggesting starting a recall petition for Sen Collins because she has announced she will vote for Gabbard? Would that be an action?

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hello from Carmel Indiana

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Omg this was JUST PERFECTION. I felt like I was in the room with you both. Much needed today and everyday! Thank you and you’ve inspired me!

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Love this convo because I feel less crazy ! I was on a call with an advocacy group this past Monday . I came away from it with omg oh holy shit I can tell there is no plan! Even though these wonderful organizers are doing god’s work coming on here and facing a crowd of thousand’s but I could tell we are not ready . The idea that Dems are voting in his cabinet members just floors me . I’ve been sending letters sending others info to know who we need to hold accountable . We have some very talented Dems who are being held back . I’m not young this isn’t about ageism but this is not about seniority it’s about who can meet this moment strong . I am new to all this in the past 4 years . Thanks for your conversation !

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