Yep! I've had enough. This country will not last a year if we keep this up. Democrats are still talking about "finding common ground" and bipartisanship. Bullshit. Trump and Maga are playing hardball and they don't care who gets hurt. Democrats need to lead or get out of the way. I just had Joy Reid / MSNBC on and she was interviewing Gretchen Whitmer, and sure enough, she's talking about common ground. Like what planet are they living on? This is unacceptable. No cabinet confirmations! No new bills! No nothing! Dems need to 100% shut them down. Maga is not here to make anything better, unless you have a billion dollars. NATIONAL ACTION IS NEEDED NOW!

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NOOO! Not Whitmer, too! 😰 WTF is going on???

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What happened to 'Big Gretch' ?!!

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I absolutely agree!

I call all the time and my friends and family make fun of me, but I don’t care.

Democrats are a circular firing squad.

There is no common ground with Trump, MAGA, and Musk.

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Having any Dem on your proverbial side is akin to entering a real battle with a squirt gun; they are worthless.

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They simply have no ability to adequately represent their constituents and never have had; I have noted how ball-less and utterly pathetic they are for well over a decade. AND, I have had enough. I will never vote for another Dem in my life ever and, of course I would rather die than ever vote for a filthy repug. Which means that I wont participate any longer in this sham voting shit at all. I’m done.

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Pretty sure that’s not what Shannon is advising.

Yes, many Democrats, including me, are frustrated with the party. And have been on and off for years. But I still recognize that there are some great representatives in the Democratic Party who’ve done good work for their constituents, and a huge difference between them and the Republicans.

I hope you’ll stay involved, vote for the better choice, and hold all of your representatives accountable

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77-22 Sean Duffy confirmed today for Transportation Secretary. WHY are the democrats helping these nominees. Rs need to be hung with them. Kristi Noem was such a moderate, she played dress up in scary NY city this am to round up the bad guys, in her bullet proof vest. Why isn’t tRUmp’s illegal funding stoppage a hair on fire moment for ALL dems?

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Thank you Shannon! It is all so infuriating - and alarming - and hard to know what to do. This helps give some direction.

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Thank you for this, Shannon! It has helped move me from inertia to taking some actionable steps. I can, and will, start calling elected officials.

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Great to hear! They work for us and need to hear from us.

Indivisible makes it easy to call by providing timely messaging to share with reps. https://indivisible.org

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I've called and written to my legislators. And I vow to continue doing so every single day because I refuse to stop fighting. Thank you, Shannon, as always, for specific actions to take.

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Love all of this Shannon (as always). We need to show up and speak out and also encourage the Republicans being affected to speak out. I feel that if they voted for this, yes, they are a big reason we are in this but if they’re being affected then they should voice that as well. Now is NOT the time to stop!

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At the state level my Governor, JB Pritzger, and our Attorney General Kwame Raoul, are fighting back hard on the impoundments, the deportations, and protections for reproductive health. It’s my senators and congresswoman who have failed. We call, send emails, and never even receive a response. Cowards. What are they afraid of? Whitmer is done also. I did not know about her comment, as reported above. If you are on Blue Sky or X call her out. I don’t have time for social media. Thank you Shannon. Please schedule some rest and time for nature 💙

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You are so right Shannon....earlier today I sent emails to our two Massachusetts senators and my Congressman with a similar message. They need to be brash and impolite and bold. It's just not happening. I love your article

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Thank you so much for this, Shannon! I will start my calls tomorrow. Also signing up for Indivisible near me. I don’t know that I know how to be an activist but I want to be. It’s time to dive in, learn, and move through any fears. Our democracy is on fire. Thank you again — I know what I need to do!

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Then you’re already an activist!!!

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Thank you for that!!

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Thanks Shannon. Somebody said the Trump ‘presidency’ was like being tied to a chair watching a toddler with a loaded gun.

There really is no one coming to save us and it’s up to us to fight back and force our Dem Congresspeople to grow a spine and oppose not join in the madness.

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With you on the whole McConnell thing. We should have been in the streets demanding that President Obama get to appoint and place his nominee on the court.

When he saw mild resistance that faded away - he knew he could keep it up.

Thanks for tangible info about what we can do today. Action = Hope.

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I am SO glad you are calling this out. I saw firsthand when I was in office how too many elected Dems will get on social media to talk about their grit and fight only to say behind the scenes that they can't get involved in certain issues because it could cost them donors or votes. It has been an increasing problem for years and it has catastrophic consequences.

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Today I called both of my senators (Democrats) and my congressman (Republican) about the freeze on funds. I have a question: both senators offer an option to leave a message on voice mail with our opinion, which I did today and have done in the past. Do you think it would be more effective to actually speak with a staff member?

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Yes if possible.

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I love you and this beautiful well written piece. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Keep Going!

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Thanks for the actionable steps, Shannon ~ my anxiety during this shock and awe is often about having agency over what I can and cannot do right now.

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Thank you, Shannon, as always, for your strong and thoughtful voice!

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