Aug 23Β·edited Aug 23

Where do I start? Kamala is a GSC, she's a woman, a former prosecutor, VP, etc etc. Tim Walz is Tim Walz, and I'm in love! (and Gus Walz made me cry the other night). I will be at various Moms Demand events for the Harris/Walz campaign as we write post cards, phone bank, and text (I've also donated to the campaign, and various PAC's). We, here in South Florida, are fired up and ready to go because we understand the assignment and want to live with FREEDOM FROM GUN VIOLENCE!

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Everything!!! πŸ‘ I especially loved seeing Dems take the flag back and show the true intent behind patriotism.πŸ’™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ€οΈ

Also ready to take back reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy! πŸ’ͺ🏼 Finally, it was so refreshing to see men free to show emotions and empathy.🩷

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I formerly lived in Montana and now live in Colorado. I love that Kamala Harris is giving the country a better chance to protect democracy and avoid the disgrace, dysfunction, and destruction of another Trump presidency; and that she is bringing decency and love (which Biden did), plus joy and energy to the party and the country. I love it that Kamala smiles so often when she talks, and is still strong on the issues. We dearly need a leader like this. Gretchen Whitmer is much the same way. If the country's attitude, mood, decency, and competence are reflected in the president, imagine the strides we could make in 8 years with Kamala and the next 8 years with Gretchen (Get "stuff" done!) as our leaders!

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I have spent my whole career caring for and supporting women as a certified nurse midwife and women’s healthcare provider. The system is rigged-in favor of DT and his ilk- and those of us who live with integrity and honesty and respect for our country cannot allow the likes of Trump,a career criminal, and his Evil Project 2025 to ruin our country. True patriots will vote Harris/Walz

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That you can be compassionate, cool and patriotic.

That everyone is invited into the β€œBig Tent”.

That’s it is patriotic not to want to have kids killed in classrooms, have healthcare, want reproductive rights, clean air and clean water.

All this gets me fired up!

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I have loved all the comments, but I particularly liked hearing from two Republicans who are encouraging everyone, especially fed up Republicans to join us all. I am calling for Moms Demand Action, writing letters for Greenpeace, and calling on Wednesday for Kamala. I am planning on making as many phone calls and letters that I can...and trying to get the Democratic party in Utah more involved here. Certain parts of Utah are more attuned to Project 2025 which is very painful especially now.

Helen Droitsch

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I watched every night of the DNC Convention. It was moving, powerful, energetic, inspiring. Every speaker was fantastic. There was not one single moment when I felt bored and wanted to turn the channel. Each night was better than the last. And then we heard from our next President, Kamala Harris. She uplifts people. She gives us all hope. She is exactly what this country needs as a leader. I used to canvass a lot but unfortunately, due to physical disabilities now, I can no longer do that. But what I do is I work with a few organizations running phonebanks, attending phonebanks, doing text banks. I belong to one organization where we just started a new National Action Council where we are organizing in battle ground states to have people have events, go to or have rallies, if called for, and mobilize to reach people to register to vote and make sure they have a plan to vote. I am one of the chairs on this new council. I am also running phonebanks with this new council to reach out to people. I have been working with both the Kamal Harris Campaign and the DNC Org making calls and text banking and helping the DNC Org moderate their incoming emails to make sure they are answered quickly and correctly. I have a lot going, and yes, it can be exhausting, but this election is the most crucial election of our lifetime. We have to preserve our freedoms in all areas. And we have only one choice for President that can do that. I will rest when we have Kamala Harris as our President after November 5th.

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Kamala gave a brilliant speech. She continues to impress me with the depth and clarity of her oratory skills and their solid connection to everyday people. It feels like we're all in one big jury box. Favorite Line: "None of us has to fail for all of us to succeed." in contrast to the subtle, corrosive mindset of the opposition. I'm an elected precinct delegate in Michigan and my job is to gladly get out the vote.

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Canvassing for down ballot candidates and state candidates, phone banking, post card writing, donating up and down the ballot - even for the mayoral campaign, talking with family, friends and colleagues and my faith community. I am primed in Oregon - to take regular action! It’s all systems on go go go!!

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For me, it's that she's an embodied example of the American Dream. And if makes me proud to be an American. There are her policies, like gun safety, reproductive rights, opportunity economy, securing borders while encouraging legal immigration, etc... But what really stands out to me is her stance on unity, no more us vs them, but looking to lead our country, "For the People" and not for the power.

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They are problem solvers who care about people. They support women and their rights to make their own decisions about their body. They support everyone’s right to live their own life and love who they love. They are smart and strong and ready!

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Folks looking for more ideas of how to get involved in this historic election, Rogan’s List is here with ways to help get out the vote and make this dream come true! Sign up and get this in your mailbox each weekday morning. We are recommended by Heather Cox Richardson’s Substack. We have over 21,000 subscribers. Join us! https://susanrogan.substack.com/

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P.S. It must have been thrilling for you to be at the convention, Shannon.

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I'm so tired of Trump and his dangerous cult of followers. Harris provides a path of refreshing unity and healing.

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Their obvious integrity.

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What has me fired up is now I have hope again! I love this Democratic ticket and the fact that Harris and Walz have defined patriotism as it really is: It's not causing an insurrection. It is not trying to steal an election. It's an undying love of this country and its people. I have been donating to the fund. I'm so hoping they win.

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I am a registered independent and have been for 62 years of voting. The reason is that I have never felt represented by just one party. I am a single working woman with two (adult) children but in the past a single working Mother. Old white men have no concept, nor do they want to understand, what that means. This election is the first time ever, that I have felt represented. Although Kamala may not understand the trauma that some divorced women face, she gets me in every other way. I think she has heard me and what concerns me just by being a female, with a blended family, and a heart for the working people of America. Yea!! finally we will have the someone who cares for all children, (not just American children), who knows it takes strength and courage and balance and who knows a supportive spouse makes all the difference. A woman who wants peace, not war. Won't it be wonderful to someday be using some the money allowed to the military for hospitals, schools, the arts. I can't wait!! I am so hopeful of being represented. Thank you Kamala for being willing to be first. "They" will crucify you but I will gladly defend you every time a negative remark about your gender, your laugh, your beauty, your race or your family comes up.

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I am going to make another comment. One of my favorites talks was from Michelle Obama. I have listened to her talk several times as she told about how hard it has been in the last few years to even think about the coming election let alone talk about it with many others. I have been one of those people who, despite calling for Moms, have found it hard to keep up being enthusiastic so just hearing her speak of this brought tears to my eyes. I have friends and family who were also in tears and who can finally talk about how sad they have been. So her words., like Kamala's Just Do Something...and for all of us, WE are NOT going back!

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Joy vs gloom and doom

Saying what is wrong with the Trump ticket with minimal if any attacks (and what there is said is not all venom and hate)

I don’t agree with everything but Harris/Walz seems more in tune with the average American having not grown up in a luxury lifestyle.

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