I love playing and I’ve been talking about this with people in my life for awhile. I have two daughters ages 7 and 5 and I play WITH them. Whether it’s pretending we are on a boat when we are in bed, or playing dolls, school, pizza cafe, puzzles, talent show… and I especially love going to the park with them. I feel sad that playgrounds …
I love playing and I’ve been talking about this with people in my life for awhile. I have two daughters ages 7 and 5 and I play WITH them. Whether it’s pretending we are on a boat when we are in bed, or playing dolls, school, pizza cafe, puzzles, talent show… and I especially love going to the park with them. I feel sad that playgrounds have age limits. I always say I would love a grown up playground, to swing and slide and explore. It’s like as a kid you get to be a kid, then you have to “be cool” as you age and when you become a parent you get to be a kid again. But not forever, because then your kids get older and have to “be cool” and I’ll be the embarrassing parent still desperate to play…
I wish I knew how to play with my kids when they were little. I thought my job was to look after. My husband played. I would look on wistfully wondering why I didn’t know how to play. I was only child of single mom. We didn’t play, we survived. What a gift you are giving to your kids. I get to make up for it now with my little grandsons and I’m so grateful I get a do-over.
I love playing and I’ve been talking about this with people in my life for awhile. I have two daughters ages 7 and 5 and I play WITH them. Whether it’s pretending we are on a boat when we are in bed, or playing dolls, school, pizza cafe, puzzles, talent show… and I especially love going to the park with them. I feel sad that playgrounds have age limits. I always say I would love a grown up playground, to swing and slide and explore. It’s like as a kid you get to be a kid, then you have to “be cool” as you age and when you become a parent you get to be a kid again. But not forever, because then your kids get older and have to “be cool” and I’ll be the embarrassing parent still desperate to play…
I wish I knew how to play with my kids when they were little. I thought my job was to look after. My husband played. I would look on wistfully wondering why I didn’t know how to play. I was only child of single mom. We didn’t play, we survived. What a gift you are giving to your kids. I get to make up for it now with my little grandsons and I’m so grateful I get a do-over.
Ditto my friend! 💪
Oh yes, I miss a good swing.