I thought John Fetterman nailed it. I wish Democrats would be plain-spoken about the fact that as far as bathrooms go, it’s just nobody’s business which bathroom anyone uses. I will never forget, many years ago, being in a bar and waiting too long before heading to the restroom. There was a giant line for the ladies’ and no line for the men’s. A single room with a locked door. I marched right in there and used it. Some guy was waiting outside when I emerged and he gave me a nasty lecture on what I could and could not do in terms of bathrooms. I’m sure I was young and intimidated, but 66 year old me would have looked that asshole in the eye and said, “Really? Fuck off.”

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So powerfully stated, Shannon. Thank you for your leadership.

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Safety is a pre-condition and is non-negotiable.

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Lovely and thoughtful post, Shannon. We need solutions for the angst. I vote for Unisex restrooms, which would require individual closet stalls to be built. I see no movement toward a viable resolution. Trump will let it fester. He’ll use the conflicts for his anger rants. I am wary of what comes next. We need everyone, all hands to be joined, to fight this. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/what-happens-next?r=3m1bs

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I feel like I just went to church on a Friday morning! Perfectly said, Shannon!

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I went to a rally last Sunday to protest Seth Moulton's despicable rhetoric against transgender children last week. His office is in Salem Massachusetts, the town famous for women being scapegoated and hung as witches in the 1600's. The irony is not lost on me. I've also heard the same rhetoric from Dems such as Ruy Teixeira, James Carville and former Lincoln Project founder Ron Steslow. It is gross.

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To continue, in the spirit of not letting go of anyone’s hands. We all need to unify - there are too many sectors pushing their own agendas and so our voice gets diluted. It would be incredible if the Democratic Party really stood up as a beacon of hope and activism for all but the extreme right.

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Thank you for this. Turning on each other is what the MAGA want, if we abandon each other we are doing the bidding of the MAGA movement for them. Unification and galvanized empathy for each other is the way forward. Love this and you!

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Thank you for this inspiring message, Shannon. I hope it becomes a clarion call to Americans, as well. I am also a parent of trans kids, and I am deeply concerned about their safety under the Trump regime.

Here in Ohio, following the election, the very first order of business in the Republican-controlled supermajority Statehouse was to pass a transgender bathroom ban. It is incredibly upsetting to see all the mean, hateful politics of my state now playing out on the national stage in this awful attack on Sarah McBride. And it’s quickly getting worse with Mace now proposing the trans bathroom ban in all federal government properties. I have been trying to rally cis allies to stand up for our trans & nonbinary community for several years now because it simply is not safe - both physically and emotionally - for them to fight for their own rights. [From one Mom to another: I have been delivering “Disarm Hate” presentations to Moms volunteers for 2 years now - asking for Moms to help support the LGBTQIA+ communities under attack, but sadly, not many people are interested in the topic.]

Now is the time that we must all come to the mutual aid and support of marginalized and targeted communities. I have never gotten a tattoo in my life, but I love this message: Don’t let go of anyone’s hand. Maybe it’s time for a protest tattoo. Thank you, Shannon.

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Thank you Shannon!! Im a worrier and im doomsdaying daily. I just need to tell myself to keep hold their hands and supporting them (anyone who is targeted). I have immigrant patients and lgbtq community of course and have been worried about them and my daughters the most. ❤️

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Love this. Hate and disinformation swallowed up this election. All these takes about how the messaging was off or that Dems didn’t understand the pain of everyday Americans - I don’t buy it. Don’t let go of anyone’s hand - this is the answer. Beautiful and powerful.

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Thank you Shannon for this timely and very important message for us all to hold together right now. The Republicans have successfully created an issue where there was none, much like the feeding the pets thing. My own father was outraged and worried about women volleyball players getting harmed and their scholarships being stolen away -when transgender people are one percent of us and those who play sports are maybe 12%. I’m here for these kids and adults. Together in love, we are strong and we can move mountains. If we keep blaming the most marginalized group, we are just as bad. The message it sends to young trans kids is just horrible. Nancy Mace is hate personified and should be shunned by her fellow congresswomen.

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I am a trans man so I if I get forced to use the women’s bathroom, guess what they aren’t keeping “men out of the women’s bathroom “ because they will be putting men into it instead 🤷‍♂️ I do like the idea of cis people helping out. We could also just rip down all the bathroom signs and burn them on the steps 😈

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We left our home state and job and community 4 years ago to keep my trabs son safe and now we are leaving this country. This country has become an abomination. I am ashamed to be an "American" at this point. It's literally embarrassing.

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Amen Shannon. A-fcckng-men. When we sacrifice the most vulnerable, we are not only sacrificing our basic humanity - we are also appeasing fascism and hate which has NEVER worked.

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